Secondary 2 Mathematics Tutorial 2A by Singapore Asia Publishers is not only an assessment book with challenging practices but also a handy guide with notes and formulae.

It's weighted assessment season and both my girls are hard at work with their revision and practices. Here's sharing a good math assessment book Big E is using - Secondary 2 Mathematics 2A Express Course by Singapore Asia Publishers 😊

Practices in this book are divided by core, consolidation and challenging practices, and before each chapter, there are notes, formulae, key concepts and worked examples, making this book a very handy guide.

At 242 pages (excluding answer sheets), this is a pretty thick book which means you can get sufficient practices for each topic.

Though this book is for Express stream, the topics in the book are taught in Big E's IP programme, so they are very relevant for her.

This is really good for after-lesson drill and practice, and Big E says she definitely wants to get the 2B book 😁

If you'd like to get this or other SAP assessment and guide books, you can get a 20% discount with promo code <APR20>. Just click through my referral link and apply at check out - link in bio! Code expires end-April, so last few days to snag 20% off! 😉

Disclaimer: This book was provided by the publisher for my review. My opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.