An exciting fairy tale retelling full of twists and turns!

Book recommendation by the 11-year-old who has declared this - The Land of Stories series by Chris Colfer - her current favourite fairy tale retelling! I haven't read this myself so here's a review by Big E:
When Alex and Connor Bailey received a treasured fairy-tale book from their grandmother, the twins enter The Land of Stories - a world where fairy tales come alive. In the first book, the protagonists need to find their way out of the book with an Evil Queen in hot pursuit, then in the rest of the series, save the fairy tale land and New York City from literary villains.

Big E says, "The fairy tale characters and stories are unlike traditional fairy tales. The series is exciting and has many unexpected twists and turns!" This book series is available at all good bookstores!

The girls have been reading a lot this holiday, so there should be more reviews coming up soon 😆 Hope you all had a lovely Christmas celebration! Happy holidays!
Disclaimer: We paid for our books, and my opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.