Get ready for more fast-paced action and hilarious dialogue in Trapped After Dark, the fourth and latest book of the Princess Incognito series!

Being huge fans of the Princess Incognito series by Neil Humphreys, we were super excited to sink our teeth into the fourth and latest book of the series, Trapped After Dark!

In the latest instalment, Princess Sabrina Valence of Mulakating - who has escaped civil war in her country and gone incognito in a boring town - risks exposing her secret identity after losing her dairy in school. Sabrina and friends return to school after dark to retrieve the diary, where the mission is made even more perilous by a mysterious security guard, fierce stray dogs and a legendary ghost that haunts the school.

I read this with my two girls and we had so many laugh-out-loud moments. As my eight-year-old says, "This book is hilarious! I like that the characters have so many funny things to say!" Other than the humour and fast-paced action, we also enjoyed the friendships depicted in the story, particularly the strengthening bond between Sabrina and school bully, Agatha. We can't wait for the next Princess Incognito book!
We bought this from Readers' House and was absolutely delighted that it was a signed copy! You can also read our review of the first two books of the middle-grade series here!

What are you and your kids reading this June holiday? 😉
Disclaimer: We paid for our book, and my opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.