I had a great time meeting and chatting with the students of Opera Estate Primary School, Singapore!

I had a fun day at Opera Estate Primary School yesterday! I was most impressed by how attentive the students were during my assembly talk where I shared about my books, My BFF Is an Alien. Everyone was so enthusiastic during Q&A too! I didn't have time to answer everyone's question which is why I guess many came to me with their questions during the book signing that happened after the talk 😄

The students asked so many good questions: Do I prefer working as a journalist or author? Why did I leave my fulltime job to be a freelance writer? How did I get my book published? Why did I write a prequel? I had such a great time chit-chatting with the kids 🤗

Thank you so much for having me, Opera Estate Primary! I had a lovely time visiting your beautiful school and meeting all of you. Also, thank you, Readers' House, for arranging my visit and the lovely pics & vid ❤

If there are any educators here who would like me to visit your school, do get in touch with me and/or Readers' House! 🙏
Disclaimer: My opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.