Julian Kee and friends are off on another exciting quest in The Library of No Return, the witty and humorous sequel to The Prophecy of the Underworld by Low Ying Ping.

In The Library of No Return - the sequel to The Prophecy of the Underworld by Singapore author Low Ying Ping - Julian Kee and friends are off on another quest to help the Underworlders, this time to retrieve an ancient parchment from a library no one ever returns from.

The journey, while fraught with danger, is also filled with fun and humour as the group encounters suspicious magical creatures, writers and readers along the way. Will these characters help or sabotage the children? Will Julian's epic cluenessness make or break the quest? Can the group return from the library of no return? Find out in this witty and exciting middle-grade adventure available at leading Singapore bookstores!

Avid readers and writers will also appreciate and be tickled by the references to bookish habits and writing quirks. I read this book with my girls and quite a few times we lol-ed and went, 'OMG, that is so true!' Ying Ping, we can't wait to see what you come up with in the third book of the series out next year! ❤

BTW Ying Ping's book launch for The Library of No Return is happening on 26 Nov (Sunday). She will be with Malcolm Meijin at the Visitor Briefing Room at the National Library at 215pm-345pm!
Disclaimer: We paid for book, and my opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.