Get ready for an adrenaline rush at Mega Adventure's MegaClimb obstacle courses and MegaZip zipline at Sentosa Singapore!

If you don't already know, my two kids are rope course junkies. They are such little daredevils when it comes to high element rope courses I'm honestly impressed by them. I don't recall myself being that adventurous when I was a kid, let alone now when I'm older and less thrill-seeking!
We have been thinking of visiting Mega Adventure's MegaClimb and MegaZip for a while now. The pictures we had seen of the rope courses were really impressive and that zipline that goes across the beach? Wow! My kids couldn't wait to go for it after I had shown them pictures! Well, we finally went for it in July and I must say, they weren't disappointed.
So here is a review and ten things to know about Mega Adventure's MegaClimb and MegaZip before you take your kids there!
1) What is Mega Adventure?
Located at Singapore's Sentosa island, Mega Adventure Park consists of outdoor adventure activities for kids and adults including MegaClimb (36-obstacle treetop rope course), MegaZip (450m flying fox), MegaJump (15m free fall simulator), MegaWall (rock-climbing wall) and MegaBounce (bungy trampolines).
2) Where is Mega Adventure located?
The check-in counter for Mega Adventure is located at Siloso Beach at Sentosa, about a 5-10 mins walk from Siloso Point cable car station. Other than MegaBounce - which is located near the Siloso Beach check-in counter - the rest of the activities are at Mega Adventure's Jungle Park at Imbiah Hill. If you purchased your tickets at the Siloso Beach counter, there will be a buggy that drives you to the Jungle Park. The buggy ride is included for participants.
But if you are not participating and just there to supervise your child while they attempt the activities at the Jungle Park, and you want to go on the buggy ride with them, the ride costs $5 per person per way. If you want to save on the buggy ride costs, you can trek for 20 minutes (according to the staff at the Beach counter) to Imbiah Hill. There are signs along the way to guide you there. But I think it's quite a fun experience and enjoyable ride through the 'jungle' to get to the Jungle Park, and also better for keeping an eye on the kids while they are on the buggy.
Tickets for the Jungle Park activities can also be purchased at the Jungle Park counter. The nearest cable car stations are the Sentosa Station and Imbiah Lookout Station which are both a few minutes walk away from Imbiah Hill.
3) How difficult is MegaClimb and MegaZip?
My kids had been on a few rope courses including those at Forest Adventure and Houbii Spot Singapore and they sailed through them. I wasn't expecting MegaClimb to be too difficult for them but when we got there, I could see it looked rather challenging. There are three levels to it and it's recommended that beginners go for the first level (you can only choose one level!)

Big E, my elder ten-year-old was nervous and hesitated at a few obstacle courses, but overall I thought she tackled the level one course pretty well. Little E, my eight year-old, struggled a little. At some obstacle courses, she actually sat on her harness and pulled herself across. Anyway she did complete it in the end albeit at a slower pace than her sister, which was really fine.

I'm impressed that Little E had completed the level though I had thought she might chicken out at some of the obstacle courses, especially where they had to jump across a gap between two platforms.
Big E had second thoughts about it as she was afraid the opposite platform would be wobbly (it is not!) and only jumped after hesitating for a while. But Little E just jumped across it like it was nothing! I think I would have just stood there weak-kneed!
I noticed they had quite a number of tight rope walks, and my girls found them quite challenging to get across. But I would say overall it was manageable for both of them though it might be more challenging for younger kids.

My kids say there is nothing they find scary about MegaZip though you have people screaming (probably just for the fun of it!) when they zipped off! In fact, they said it was very fun and exciting, the view was amazing, and they wanted to go again!
4) Any age, height and weight requirements for MegaClimb and MegaZip?
MegaZip has a minimum height requirement of 90cm and weight requirement of 30-140kg. For a child below 30kg but above 90cm, he/she can go in tandem with another person on the MegaZip. For MegaClimb, the minimum height is 120cm and weight requirement is 25kg-120kg.
5) Is it suitable for kids?
See above on age, height and weight requirements. For MegaZip, I don't think there is anything particularly difficult and younger kids can choose to go tandem with their parents or siblings (they'll have to pay too of course!). For MegaClimb, I think it would be more suitable for tweens and those older. But if you have a daredevil like Little E who is not afraid of heights and is used to rope courses, they might still have fun with it.

6) Do I have to accompany my kid?
No, they just need to meet the age, height and weight requirements to go alone for the activities. But do note if you're not participating in activities, you are only allowed on the ground level and an observatory tower nearby to observe them at Jungle Park.
If your kid is going for the MegaZip, they will end up at an island opposite Siloso Beach. You can see it from the Siloso Beach check in counter. You just need to tell the staff at the MegaZip/MegaClimb tower to take note to wait for you to reach Siloso Beach via the buggy before the staff send them off on the zipline (the buggy staff will inform the tower staff you have reached the check-in counter). Because am sure you'll want to see them zip across, right?
When the kids land at the island, they can easily walk across a bridge, then across the beach towards the Siloso Beach check-in counter where you wait for them. You will be able to see them from the check-in counter area as they walk back from the island!
7) How long do you need?
The staff said usually it takes around 10-15 minutes to complete a round of MegaClimb. My kids took about 20 minutes each. MegaZip took about 30 seconds from start of zipline to the end. It was the check-in at the Siloso Beach counter that took a while. Though there were only two families queuing in front of us, but it took about 15 mins before we could check in and buy our tickets (I think partly because they seem like they had a lot of questions for the staff!).
8) How much does it cost?
The MegaClimb and MegaZip are at $50 per pax and $55 per pax respectively. But there are cost-saving combos, like $85 per pax for both MegaClimb and MegaZip which we bought. See Mega Adventure's online store for other ticket prices.
9) What to wear?
Comfortable sports attire are recommended. Slippers and flip-flops are not allowed.
10) What are the opening hours?
Mon-Fri, 2-6pm. For Sat, Sun and public holidays, 11am-6pm.
Do you need to book ahead?
No. The activities are on a first-com-first-serve basis. But you can purchase tickets online first if you want.
Our kids might try out the other levels at MegaClimb in the future but they definitely want to return for the zipline! Well, personally I think it is not the cheapest activity around but we probably will do so since they enjoyed themselves so much, maybe for their future birthdays!
Disclaimer: We paid for our tickets, and my opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.