All about that "Dear Husband" letter I wrote for Sassy Mama Singapore.
I remember when I first came across the term "the invisible workload of motherhood", I was SO glad to know that there is actually a term that so aptly describes the mental burden that mothers bear, how a mother's brain constantly works non-stop to keep her household running and making sure everyone in it is alive and well. It was with that, I had wanted to have my own take on this.
The letter was published on Sassy Mama Singapore on 2 February 2021. You can read it here.
This is not a letter written to MY husband (it's fictional) and I didn't write it to whine or complain. This is not a letter to compare who does more or less in the household; I know there are many hands-on hubbies out there including mine. I had written it to depict what goes on day in day out in a mother's head and so that mothers know we're not in this alone - the invisible workload we bear is indeed heavy and so often, overwhelming. I hope with this, my fellow mothers know that when we occasionally mess things up, there is no need to feel bad; we all deserve some slack.
Since the article was published, I was overwhelmed by the response to it - the 'shares' and 'likes' for the article on Sassy Mama's FaceBook page went through the roof. The latest count six days later was at over 500 shares and 300 likes.
I also received lots of messages and DMs from fellow mothers who told me how much the letter had resonated with them. Having people tell me "this is exactly how I feel!" and thanking me for writing what had been on their mind all this time, is the reason why I write what I write. So, thank you for the love!
Thank you to Sassy Mama Singapore for the opportunity to write this, and the support you've given to me and my books all this while. I truly appreciate it.
Disclaimer: My opinions and reviews here are strictly my and my family’s own.
©Vivian Teo. All content and photos are copyrighted to Vivian Teo unless otherwise specified.